
Showing posts from 2010


We have been in North Carolina for the past week. In this past week, I have seen my children play with their cousins and my husband hang out with his Aunt, Uncle and cousins.  Seeing all this makes me realize how much I miss having family nearby. I never had the big extensive family while I was growing up. It was just the three of us at first, Mom, Daddy and me. Then after Daddy died, it was me and my mom for 7 years, until we moved to Ga. When we moved to Ga, that was the first time I was EVER around that much family! I had friends that were like my family, but never had my own big family.  I am watching all of these intereactions, and it makes my heart both happy and sad. Happy because I know everyone is happy, and I am happy for them. Sad, because in a few days it will be time to say goodbye and head hom to Ga. All good things must come to an end though, right?

How far would you go to help someone?

Earlier tonight I was leaving Target after getting some last minute stocking stuffers. As I was walking out the door, and came outside, a man came out of the corner and asked me if I had 50 dollars to give him. I said No, I don't but good luck. Oh yeah, it was also 10pm. So, here lies the question. How far would you go to help someone? This was discussed recently in my Sunday School class. I would LIKE to say, that the people who know me really well, would say that yes, I would help out someone who needed it. If this guy had asked for money for food, I would have gladly asked him what he wanted to eat, and I would have gotten it, and brought it to him. NO PROBLEM. But he didn't. He asked me for money, for a LOT of money! There are only a few places I give my money to, and these are the places that I KNOW my money will do good to help others. So, after I was in my car and driving away, I called the store and spoke to the manager and let him know what had happened. I want to know...

Here it goes!

It's been a while since I blogged anything, and I realized I miss blogging. I miss writing. So, I am going to attempt to try again. I never know what I will write until I sit down and start typing, so anything goes! I picked "Donna's Declerations", because according to the Thesaurus, a Decleration is an assertion of belief or knowledge. That is what this blog is going to be about, what I believe and what I know. Now, I realize not everyone will agree, and that is fine. All I ask is that you please be respectful. Then again, I may not write anything that would offend anyone, who knows. Like I said earlier, I never know ahead of time.