The Greatest Vet I Never Knew

Is my Daddy. Yes, I was able to get to know him, not by much though. He was a wonderful Daddy to me. I was his little girl. As sick as he was, he always made sure we did things together. It didn't matter what we were doing, we had fun together. He could make games out of anything! We would go pick up my mom from work, and we would take the car keys and play checkers with the floor tiles! Daddy was a War Vet. A WWII Vet to be exact. I wish I had more time than 7 years to know him. I would have loved to have been able to ask him questions about the War. To ask questions about what he did, what he saw and where he went. I know a little bit about it. Stories my mom would tell me, but it's not the same as talking to the person who actually lived it. If you are lucky enough to have a WWII vet in your life, talk to them. Ask them questions. Write them down. Better yet, record what they are saying. Once the person is gone, that's it. They are such a special generati...