I don't like this time of year. It's not because of the weather change, it's more than welcome! I don't like this time of year because it's just another reminder that I no longer have MY mom. I have all these constant daily reminders that she is no longer here, and then there is Mother's Day to remind me. Again. Joshua and I were at the store today and I almost started to cry. Not once, but twice. I felt the tears form, and tried to make them go away. It worked. I saw this robe that I know she would have loved. It was light blue with butterflies. She loved blue and butterflies. I looked at Joshua and told him how much I missed her, and how she would have loved him so much. I know it's been a while, and I thought it would get easier. There are days where it seems as it has, and then there are days where I feel like I am starting all over again. Abbie has some memories of my mom, and I am hoping between us, we will make Joshua feel like he knew her, even though he never got the chance to.
How far would you go to help someone?
Earlier tonight I was leaving Target after getting some last minute stocking stuffers. As I was walking out the door, and came outside, a man came out of the corner and asked me if I had 50 dollars to give him. I said No, I don't but good luck. Oh yeah, it was also 10pm. So, here lies the question. How far would you go to help someone? This was discussed recently in my Sunday School class. I would LIKE to say, that the people who know me really well, would say that yes, I would help out someone who needed it. If this guy had asked for money for food, I would have gladly asked him what he wanted to eat, and I would have gotten it, and brought it to him. NO PROBLEM. But he didn't. He asked me for money, for a LOT of money! There are only a few places I give my money to, and these are the places that I KNOW my money will do good to help others. So, after I was in my car and driving away, I called the store and spoke to the manager and let him know what had happened. I want to know...
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