May 20, 2009

May 20, 2009 started out as a normal day. Well, "normal" enough for a woman who is 37 weeks pregnant and having contractions. I drop Abbie off at PreK and go by to see my friend Wren. Wren looks at me, and mind you she had just seen me the day before, which was a Tuesday and I hadn't dropped. She took one look at me and said "You ARE having the baby TODAY!" I looked at her, and told her I would call her after my Ob appt. Sure enough, I get to my Ob's office, and the tech has to literally help me out of the chair. I couldn't get enough balance or stamina to get up. I waddle through the doors and into the exam room. She asked me how I was feeling, and I told her I was having some contractions. She takes my BP and listens to the HB, and all is good. She tells me, next time I am in the office will be for my 6 week checkup. Sofar I have had 2 people tell me I am having a baby SOON. I get into another exam room, and my OB comes in. She is asking me how I am feeling. I tell her I have had contractions since Tuesday, and that my husband and I went to Crackel Barrel for Lunch, and I couldn't really eat b/c of the contractions. She asks me where am I having them at, and I tell her on my C-Section scar. She tells me to GO NOW to the hospital, I am having a baby TODAY!!!! I start crying. She asked me what was wrong, and I told her I really wanted my mom with me, and explained why that wasn't possible. She gave me a hug and I called Gary. Ok, I ATTEMPTED to call Gary. That day was a day of class for him. I got ahold of his supervisor, and told him "I need to have Gary meet me at the hospital, I am having the baby!" He was speechless. He told me he would get in touch w him and have him call me. I am on my way home, No, I didn't go directly to the hosptial, I needed my stuff from the house! Plus, I didn't want to go alone. I tried calling EVERYONE! I couldn't get ahold of anybody! The ONE day I needed to, I couldn't. One of my dear friends called me back and asked what's up. I told her I am having the baby TODAY! So, Gary gets home about 10 mins after I do and we leave. It just so happens we get stuck behind a REALLY old guy who insits on going UNDER the speed limit. My contractions are getting worse and I am wishing I was already there at the hospital! We get to the hospital, I quickly get checked in(I pre-registered that Monday), and at 12:30 I am walking into the OR, which was strange in itself. I sit on the table waiting for my Spinal Block. My Ob comes in and SITS right next to me on the table and holds my hand while I recieve the medication. Gary is brought in, and sits next to me. The next thing I know is they are TRYING to take Joshua out, but he doesn't want to. So they have someone sit on me and they needed forceps to get him out. When he finally came out, we all understood why. He was 8lbs and 22 inches long! I was only 37 weeks! I cannot imagine how big he would have been if I made it to 40 weeks. I fell in love with Joshua the first time I saw him. He was BEAUTIFUL!!! Here we are 2 years later, and my baby boy is a full fledged toddler. He makes me laugh, he makes me cry, he makes me smile. I love my baby boy. Happy 2nd Birthday Joshua Charlton Espinosa. Mommy loves you so very, very much! <3


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