Today is Father's Day, and with that comes so many emotions with it for me. I am so grateful to have such a wonderful husband who is an amazing Daddy to our children. He is so active in their lives, and they will both benefit from that later on, especially our daughter. I know firsthand how hard it is to grow up without my dad, and I don't want our children to know what that feels like until much, much later in their lives. I don't want them to experience it at all, but let's be realistic, it will happen. I am also sad, because I haven't had my dad in YEARS..and by years, I mean 24. For a long time after he died, Father's Day was always so hard for me. I remember not long after he died, I was in class...second grade I think, and the teacher mentioned something about parents, and I just cried. She asked what was wrong and I told her I don't have 2 parents anymore, I only have one. Now, I did have some fantastic male role models who stepped in and was there...